wang xiangming, general manager of china state construction group, inspects xiong'an citizen service center | 中國海外集團-pg电子(中国)官方网站

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    wang xiangming, general manager of china state construction group, inspects xiong'an citizen service center

    time: 2018-05-11 17:50:38  source: china overseas holdings limited

    on the afternoon of may 9, wang xiangming, general manager of china state construction engineering group, went to xiong’an to participate in the work investigation of the main leaders of the state-owned assets supervision and administration commission of the state council and the hebei provincial party committee in xiong’an citizen service center. before the investigation, yan jianguo, vice chairman and general manager of china shipping group, accompanied mr. wang to inspect the project of the citizen service center.

    mr. wang visited the convention center, jd unmanned supermarket, officezip, zhonghai kaili hotel and other places with great interest. as he walked and watched, mr. wang asked in detail about the operation and management of related facilities and places, expressed his appreciation for the wisdom, green, open, and shared construction and operation concepts presented in the park, and put forward specific requirements for the follow-up operation projects of china overseas property. president wang affirmed the hard work and achievements of the china construction consortium, and at the same time encouraged the zhonghai team to do a good job in the operation and service of the citizen service center, and strive to make the park a business card of china construction and china shipping and a benchmark for the new district. .

    the main leaders of the planning department of china construction co., ltd. and china construction third bureau attended the above-mentioned activities. guo lei, general manager of china shipping development xiong'an company, introduced the relevant situation.
