zhou yong, deputy general manager of china construction group, led the team to investigate china shipping group | 中國海外集團-pg电子(中国)官方网站

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zhou yong, deputy general manager of china construction group, led the team to investigate china shipping group

time: 2020-03-23 19:53:25  source: china overseas holdings limited

on march 21 and 23, zhou yong, deputy general manager of china state construction group, led a team to china shipping group for investigation the situation of epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production. leaders such as yan jianguo, chairman and general manager of china shipping group, chen xiaofeng, chief financial officer, and ma fujun, deputy general manager, participated in the survey.

yan jianguo chaired a research seminar, focusing on china shipping group2019the overall operation and completion of key tasks for the year, the group’s strategic positioning and the "14th five-year plan" plan were reported. it was pointed out that the group’s overall operation last year was stable, and the main indicators reached a new record high, and followed the deployment of china state construction group , is formulating the development strategy and specific measures to create a world-class enterprise. chen xiaofeng reported on the group's financial performance, recent financial market fluctuations and market value management. ma fujun reported on the situation of epidemic prevention and control and the resumption of work and production. directors of listed companies zhang haipeng, luo liang, zhang zhichao, zhang guiqing, wu mingqing, and yang ou respectively reported on the prevention and control of the epidemic situation and production and operation of the unit.

zhou yong he listened carefully to the report and mobilized resources and strength for china shipping group in a comprehensive and rapid manner, focusing on epidemic prevention work on one hand, and resumption of production on the other hand, especially at the critical moment of hong kong's epidemic prevention, regardless of cost, striving for the construction period, and completing the emergency epidemic prevention observation in hong kong with lean quality centermicthe project is affirmed, and on behalf of china state construction group, it would like to extend sincere greetings and high respects to all employees of china shipping who are fighting on the front line of epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production. he further improved the coordination of epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production, and put forward four requirements: one is to improve the position to unify thinking and actions; second, to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control as always; and third, to implement the work abroad strictly and promptly. epidemic prevention and control work; the fourth is to promote various production and operation work in a solid and orderly manner.

yan jianguo said that the current epidemic the company’s business has a great impact and faces great difficulties and pressures, but it is full of confidence in national policies and industry development, will do everything possible to prevent the epidemic, go all out to stabilize growth, constantly surpass itself and surpass the average, for china state construction group "top five in one creation"strive for goals to make greater contributions.

during the research period, zhou yong and his party successively go to shenzhen zhonghai huizhi building, hailong factory, no. 9 mansion and other projects for investigation. at the project site, zhou yong listened to a report on the resumption of work and production, and inquired in detail about the project's positioning, production and operation, and implementation of epidemic prevention work, focusing on the difficulties encountered by the project in epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production. he emphasized that the epidemic prevention work cannot be relaxed. it is necessary to clearly see the complexity and severity of the epidemic situation at home and abroad, especially the imported risks caused by the rapid spread of the international epidemic. it is necessary to continue to implement various epidemic prevention and control measures and strengthen personnel control. take strict precautions, make overall plans, and promote the resumption of work and production in an accurate and orderly manner.

china construction liu peng, deputy general manager of the group's human resources department, relevant personnel from the human resources department and overseas departments, and heads of relevant departments of the china shipping group headquarters participated in the survey activities.
