yan jianguo, chairman of cnooc, calls on li yaping, mayor of suzhou | 中國海外集團-pg电子(中国)官方网站

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yan jianguo, chairman of cnooc, calls on li yaping, mayor of suzhou

time: 2020-11-13 09:30:58  source: china overseas holdings limited

on november 10, yan jianguo, chairman of china shipping group, called on li yaping, mayor of suzhou, in suzhou. the two sides had a discussion and exchange on further deepening cooperation. wu xiaodong, vice mayor of suzhou city, zhou wei, secretary general of suzhou municipal government, xu gang, head of gusu district, zhang zhichao, chief executive of china shipping development corporation, and responsible persons of suzhou company attended the meeting.

mayor li yaping welcomed the visit of chairman yan jianguo and his party and spoke highly of cnooc's construction projects in the soviet union. he said that china shipping and suzhou have a good foundation for cooperation and have made outstanding contributions to the economic and social development of suzhou. suzhou municipal government will, as always, attach great importance to and support the all-round cooperation with china shipping group, and hope that china shipping will play a leading role in the industry and actively participate in the construction of suzhou. the two sides should further strengthen cooperation on the original basis, innovate cooperation mode, strive to achieve early results in project construction, and help the high-quality development of suzhou city.

he also introduced the development of cnooc group and the latest progress of cnooc's projects in the soviet union. yan dong said that suzhou has a superior business environment and broad development prospects, which is of great significance in the layout of china shipping. in the future, cnooc will combine its own advantages with suzhou's urban development planning, deeply cultivate suzhou's market, continuously increase investment, and hope to carry out in-depth cooperation in various fields to make greater contributions to suzhou's economic and social development.
