china overseas grand oceans group limited announces property sales results for november 2020 | 中國海外集團-pg电子(中国)官方网站

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    china overseas grand oceans group limited announces property sales results for november 2020

    time: 2020-12-07 10:03:26  source: china overseas holdings limited

    (hong kong, 4 december 2020) china overseas grand oceans group limited (the “company”; stock code: announced that, for november 2020, the contracted property sales of the company and its subsidiaries (the “group”) amounted to rmb5,000,000,000 and the contracted gross floor area (“gfa”) reached 419,800 square meters.

    from january to november 2020, the total property contracted sales amounted to rmb57,572,000,000 and the total contracted gfa reached 4,747,300 square meters.

    in november 2020, the group acquired two new projects in changzhou, jiangsu province and zhenjiang, jiangsu province with an attributable gfa of 524,825.00 square meters and the total attributable land cost was rmb2,567,670,000.

    note: in view of the uncertainties involved in investment and sales process, discrepancies may exist between the above figures and those disclosed in our regular reports. as such, the above is for reference only.
